Hi, I’m Julia!

I am a passionate vegan event planner, hostess, and cook. Originally from São Paulo, Brazil, I have been living in Israel with my family since 2009. After the birth of my first child, I chose to step away from office work to spend more time with him. During this period, I found joy in hosting private events, house concerts, home sales events, dinners and more. This growing passion eventually inspired me to turn my hobby into a business.

Whether it’s a wedding, birthday party, corporate event, vegan cooking workshop, or any other celebration, each event is meticulously custom-designed to offer a vibrant, authentic, and intimate experience that you will cherish forever. My goal is to ensure that each client enjoys a smooth planning process while making every event a platform for positive impact.

My Inspirations

Communal eating is an ancient ritual that connects us and brings us together

Nothing brings celebration & ceremony more than a festive meal around a beautiful table. Food not only feeds the body but, most importantly, it nourishes the soul and has a special power to bring people’s hearts together and create lasting memories.

The Kitchen is the heart of the home. Eating together is an ancient ritual that connects families and entire communities, as together they celebrate the special moments in their lives. Nothing brings ceremony more than a festive meal around a beautiful table. Food not only feeds the body but, most importantly, it nourishes the soul and has a special power to bring together people’s hearts and create lasting memories. 

I am blessed to have had a childhood that was filled with a mixture of tastes, colors and hosting traditions. My connection with cooking originated in both of my grandmother’s kitchens. Both grandma Jandira and grandma Patrocinia were great cooks with very different styles. Each of my grandmothers came from different culinary backgrounds; grandma Jandira’s (Vo Janda) influences in the kitchen were a mix of Syrian, Italian and traditional Brazilian flavors, while grandma Patrocinia (vo Tuta) had strong Portuguese and Brazilian influences.

Vo Janda’s home was always well decorated and organized and every Sunday she had a special tradition where she would host the entire family for lunch. From her I learned the importance of esthetics and ambiance when hosting. There was always a beautiful calm in these family lunches that pervaded the atmosphere in Vo Janda’s events.

Vo Tuta lived in a big colonial house, which was located in a rural and agropastoral village. The kitchen, which was a separate unit from the main house, was always bustling with the strong Latin passions and feminine energy of my grandma, ants, and cousins. It was a busy, noisy place, full of the smokey aroma of real life and daily struggles. Vo Tuta was a very catholic woman and always devoutly believed in the practice of charity; endlessly giving food & shelter to those in need. Often, homeless people would come by to ask for a plate of food, and we, as kids, were taught to treat them with kindness and serve them food at the table like family.

This was a real life lesson for me, and its taught me to always feel a reverence for life, food and people. Before we sat down to eat, we would always hold hands, bless the family, the food and life. This beautiful ritual taught me the power of gratitude and the importance of eating together.

I maintain a special ritual for every event I host: I begin by lighting candles and whispering blessings, setting the tone for our gathering with positive thoughts and harmony as we come together to celebrate.

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+972 52-396-7096

© 2024 Julia Dojas.